STOP Overwhelming YOURSELF! Use The Principles You Possess Before Searching For More!
Am I alone in sensing an increase in the number of school leaders admitting that they are feeling overwhelmed? Getting the day-to-day operational tasks off your plate is SO powerful because it frees us up to start working on the business and not in the business all the time. I'll have to report back on how this works because overwhelm often get's the best of me. I'm going to try this on and keep on feeling.
As you let loose of the manager's role, you'll feel refreshed and energetic, and you'll step into focusing ONLY on what you can do to grow the business. You can apply these tips to your business, but they are good for your everyday life as well. You get subtle or not so subtle signals from your mind and body before you go into a full blown exhaustion feeling.
People are succeeding every day online simply by learning niche skills, becoming good at said skills, and then teaching others how to also use those skills. I do this as well because if I don't, this can contribute to feelings of overwhelm because I feel like I'm not doing ALL.
When you're overwhelmed it can be hard to get started. First, recognize that the feeling of overwhelm is just a feeling. The benefit of doing activities that turn off your brain is that you get a chance to recharge your batteries and lower any anxiety caused by feeling make money online overwhelmed.
And if you start to feel overwhelmed, you may try to push through†because admitting that you've taken on too much feels like failure. You are starting or growing a new online business. As a blogger and a student, it's so easy for me to feel overwhelmed because of all of the things that I have to do. It's not easy.